
Andreas Vlachos

Prof. Dr.
Principal Investigator

University of Freiburg
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Albertstraße 17
79104 Freiburg


2001 – 2008 Studies of human medicine at the University of Frankfurt
2006 Research at the department for Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
2008 – 2016 Scientific member, group leader, and habilitation for Anatomy, Institute for clinical Neuroanatomy, Dr. Senkenbergische Anatomie, University of Frankfurt
2016 – 2017 Professor for Anatomy, Institute for Anatomy 2, University of Düsseldorf
Since 2017 Chair of the Institute for Neuroanatomy and Cellbiology, University of Freiburg

Further CV details

Focus of research

  • Role of associative and homeostatic neural plasticity in health and disease
  • Neurothromboinflammation, Neurocoagulation
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (NIBS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)